Mens Skin Care: Protect Your Skin During Winter
During Summer time, life is more simpler, all you need is sunscreen and sun lotion. But during winter months, this is the time of year when life becomes a little less comfortable and winter related skin issues will bothering some of us.
Winter weather is harsher on your skin then summer weather for several reasons:
The air is dryer in the winter than in the summer. This causes your natural body oils to evaporate faster leaving you more vulnerable to the drying effects. I am sure you are most likely sweating less in the winter than you do in the summer. Perspiration brings more of your skin oils to the surface and helps to clean out your pores. This promotes healthier skin and tends to refresh your skin's protective coating. I am sure most of you are less active in the winter, so naturally we sweat less. :)
The cold winter air tends to constrict the skin making it tighter and somewhat less porous. This can hamper our skins natural oil production to some degree. You know you've got it when your skin begins to feel tighter and you get that annoying prickly itch. When severe, your skin can crack and the condition becomes downright painful. This can be aggravated even more if your work or play puts you outdoors in the cold for long periods. If you find yourself in this situation,
So we all like ladies should also deserve products that soothe several ailments. Here are the essentials.
What it does: Repairs and soothes chapped lips
Key ingredient: Myrothamnus flabellifolia, or resurrection plant, which grows in the desert areas of South Africa.
Why it works: This one is still a bit of a mystery. While there are tons of positive testimonials for the product, little is actually known about Myrothamnus flabellifolia.
What it does: Conditions and styles dry hair
Key ingredients: Panthenol and cilantro
Why it works: Hair becomes dry and brittle in the winter, but panthenol helps to thicken the hair shaft, attracting water to the scalp.
What it does: Cleans and doubles as shaving cream
Key ingredient: Peach nut oil
Why it works: This is the most effective antibacterial and high quality liquid soap. Mild and gentle to the skin. "Because it utilizes the solvent properties of tea tree oil to make it a powerful cleansing soap, so this make it the most trusted soap for me during winter months", says Dr. Wilbert.
What it does: Wards off face-freeze
Key ingredient: Cacao butter
Why it works: “Cacao butter is a classic moisturizing barrier in the petrolatum family,” says New York dermatologist Dr. David Biro. “It stops moisture from freezing on your face and frostbiting you. Any balm will do, but this one theoretically wards off aging.
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2 January 2010 at 2:43 am
really liked the article. found a couple of products i'm definitely going to have to try myself, especially the all over body balm. take care!
2 January 2010 at 12:24 pm
I'm glad you find something suit you. :)