Thursday, March 13, 2025

Man Fashion: Leggings for Men

4:15 am Contributed by JW

To my surprise, men leggings have been a slow-burning trend. "Meggings" first turned up on overseas catwalks in 2007 - a lifetime ago in fashion years. Even before then, some of Hedi Slimane's leather pants for Dior looked more like leggings than pants. It was actually Slimane's obsession with men who looked like emaciated stick insects that spawned fashion's penchant for skinny-leg jeans and now leggings. Among the fashion designers in 2009 Fashion collection, Givenchy and John Galliano were both designers who had designed their designs around with leggings. So for those brave enough, you may want to embrace the latest fashion's craze this summer.
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  1. The Fashion Inquisitor said...

    I like to consider myself daring when it comes to fashion. Although I dont know about leggings just yet haha. I will try anything once I guess

    BTW. I love your blog =]
    I will be by often

  2. JW said...

    Cool! that the way we should live our life.
    BTW, glad u like the blog, and hope to see u soon! :)

  3. holiday said...

    the fashion blog was so cool

  4. holiday said...

    lovely blog

  5. Unknown said...

    When it talks about men fashion, I always consider the texture of the suit and ob course the style and its popularity.

  6. MizzJ said...

    Yikes, I'm all for innovation, but personally I think that most men's legs aren't that good looking so I don't really need them defined as clearly as they would be with leggings lol. Also, aren't pants that tight er, bad for the goods?

  7. Style Jerk said...

    I cant get into a man wearing traditional womens clothes. Unfortunately women can go wear mens accessories but it doesnt have the same affect when men wear womens accessories. Next thing you know we will be trying to wear lace stockings. LOL

  8. Unknown said...

    Any idea when all these suits might become available at designer discount clothing stores like SYMS?

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