Man Fashion: Detox Your Wardrobe
While I was clearing some of the old stuffs in my wardrobe few week ago, I realized that there were tons of clothes that I'm no longer wearing. Do you think the same?
- Have I worn this garment in the past 1 year?
- Is this still in Fashion? If you still have the deconstructed 90s dress, or even further back, then the answer to this is NO, dispose it.
- Does it still Fit? Like what I shared with you the other day on my previous post, when you feel you cannot fit into that pair of khakis pant you bought last summer, then the answer is dispose it.
- Do you have any sentimental feelings toward this pair of garment? Consider if you have any sentimental attachment toward any clothes especially the first dress that you bought with your first pay check. When you can say No, then dispose it.
- Did it cost over $500? If this is really expensive, you might want to consider retain it. However, if you can decisive and say No to this, dispose it.
23 June 2009 at 2:41 pm
I can completely relate to the post. It is often so hard to part with clothes... even if you never wear them anymore. Being Brutal is good advice. I've noticed you rarely miss the clothes after you get rid of them. The letting go is the hard part.
23 June 2009 at 10:08 pm
Yeah! That's right!
26 June 2009 at 3:55 am
Great tips. It's best too not to start thinking "well, I might need this for ___ " b/c then you'll never get rid of anything.
27 June 2009 at 3:07 pm
MizzJ, you are absolutely right!
22 October 2009 at 5:50 pm
I couldn't agree more, the amount of clothes that I have in my wardrobe at the moment is ridiculas and most of them are unworn! Its definitely time to start sorting them all out but I tend to think to myself "I won't get rid of them because I know once I have I will end up wanting to wear them at some point". Last Christmas I bought a stack of clothes from the Great Universal winter sale and all of them still have their tags on, completely unworn!