Earth Hour: Switch Off the Light for an hour
As part of the effort to to take action on Global Warming. Earth Hour has been transformed into the world’s first global election, between Earth and global warming in 2009.
- Sign Up Now. Become a part of Earth Hour and get useful tips and tools to reduce your carbon footprint everyday
- Tell A Friend. Better still – tell them, your family and even your work mates. Encourage them to sign up. Email them a link to this website and mobilise even more people!
- Tell Your Story. How is climate change affecting your family and your community? We want to hear how you're becoming part of the solution.
- Run your own Earth Hour. Download our quick guide for how to run Earth Hour in your city or town. It's easy!
- Your Earth Hour. What will you be doing at 8.30pm on Saturday March 28? We're keen to know what you have planned for Earth Hour 2009. If you'd like to share your plans with Earth Hour and the media, then please send us an email describing with as much detail as you can what you have planned to Don't forget to include your name, where you live (City and Country), and your contact telephone number including your country code.
- Blogger Tool Kit: Create a blog post about the importance of global action on climate change and how participation in Earth Hour can make a difference.(Just like me! :) )