Man Fashion Week: Z Zegna Spring 2010 Collection

12:17 am Contributed by JW

Body conscious strokes on old school cuts turn up in Z Zegna, Alessandro Sartori of Z Zegna mixes dandy-ism with street cred, pairing svelte blazers and waistcoats that are nipped at the waist and worn with sheer T-shirts, as well as single- and double-breasted suits snug, nearly as tight as his head-to-toe ensembles in oxblood-colored leather.

Launched in 2004 as Ermenegildo Zegna's younger, more fashion-forward collection, the Z Zegna line now accounts for about 15 percent of its parent company's bottom line. Design head Alessandro Sartori grew up in a small mountain town renowned for the wool it produced for Zegna, and Sartori—his surname is Italian for "tailor"—has spent virtually his entire career with the company.

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  1. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for all the info! I got many of my questions answered just by reading the articles on this blog. Mens dress etiquette can be really confusing when it comes to style and color coordination. If you were ever looking for some new info for future posts, I would encourage you to check out another great etiquette info site:

    Hope this helps.
    Amy J.

  2. saucony said...

    They are gorgeous in their fashion attire...the item being presented are great hope I can buy my BF one on those...

  3. Pal Zileri Satoriale said...

    Love me some Zegna suits!

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