Men's Toys: Apple Gadgets

7:54 pm Contributed by JW

I am sure there are many Mac's fan out there and sure you know how many innovative products Apple has launched since Steve Job took over the CEO position. So here are some of the innovative products that Apple has launched in 2007. So have you got the latest toy from Apple? MacBook Pro 15-inch - 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro 15 inch 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iPod shuffle 1GB - Silver iPod Shuffle 1GB Silver iPod classic 160GB - Black iPod Classic 160GB Black
iPhone 8GB
iPhone 8MB iPhone is Apple's revolutionary new phone - a phone, a widescreen iPod, and a breakthrough internet device all in one. Photo:

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  1. zeddik said...

    You gotta remember the new MacBook Air.. If that's not a classy notebook, I don't know what is!

  2. JW said...

    Hey! Zeddik, you are right, Apple just launched this new MacBook few days ago with 13.3" smart LED display, brilliant multi-touch pad, 2GB RAM, and 64GB of hard drive, just to name a few features. I don't see anyone will resist this state of art notebook.

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